About the study

The QALY study (Quality of life And Lower extremity edema after inguinal lymphadenectomY) is a multi-center cohort study in UMC Utrecht, Antoni van Leeuwenhoek hospital in Amsterdam and Maastricht UMC+. Lower extremity lymphedema can develop as a result of inguinal lymph node dissection in the treatment of various cancers. As plastic surgeons continue play a more important role in the treatment of lymphedema through lymphatic reconstruction or transplantation of lymph nodes, more research is needed to bring the scope of lymphedema better into focus and document associated patient characteristics. In this study, patients who have undergone an inguinal lymphadenectomy report impairments in function, aesthetics, and quality of life attributed to edema in the legs. The findings from this study could further clarify factors that could be used to identify the most appropriate patients for either prophylactic or therapeutic reconstructive surgery.


Principal investigator
D.D. Krijgh, MD
PhD student
Brett Hahn


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