I am currently engaged in research related to autologous breast reconstructions and the impact of postmastectomy radiotherapy (PMRT) on it. PMRT can have detrimental effects on breast tissue, leading to complications such as fat necrosis, fibrosis, impaired wound healing, and compromised aesthetics. There is no consensus, both nationally and internationally, regarding the optimal timing of administering this radiotherapy, given the high risk of complications. Recently, enrollment has commenced for the Breast REconstruction and NeoAdjuvant Radiotherapy (BRENAR) pilot study. The ultimate aim of this pilot is to develop a new algorithm for breast cancer treatment, specifically by incorporating neo-adjuvant radiotherapy. Additionally, I am involved in the assessment of patient-reported outcomes in autologous breast reconstructions and PMRT.

Involved with


Principal investigator
W. Maarse, MD PhD
Coordinating researcher
Sophie Nelissen, MD
Principal investigator
W. Maarse, MD PhD
Coordinating researcher
Sophie Nelissen, MD