My research focuses on reconstructions of lower legs and pain. If there is insufficient tissue coverage of the vital structures (bone/tendons/vessels/nerves) in the lower leg, the Plastic Surgeon is often asked for consultation to help with this. This may, for example, be the result of trauma or malignancy. By means of stemmed or free tissue transplants, the plastic surgeon can ensure that these vital structures are covered and can therefore heal. In addition to retrospective research, a randomized controlled study is currently underway: The Dangle Study. This study is also running at Erasmus MC and UMC Groningen. This study further examines the postoperative treatment, operating time after the accident, infections and the quality of life within this patient group. I also work on research collaborations with various American institutes.

Involved with


Principal investigator
D.D. Krijgh, MD
PhD student
Brett Hahn
Principal investigator
Prof. J.H. Coert, MD PhD
W. Maarse, MD PhD
Coordinating researcher
D.D. Krijgh, MD