Lines of Research

Reconstructive surgery

As reconstructive plastic surgeons we are commonly involved in the broad spectrum of defect reconstructions after trauma and cancer. This means that our research is commonly multidisciplinary in order to address current problems from different points of view. We conduct numerous studies on the outcomes of breast reconstructions after breast cancer, including the effects of radiotherapy. In the field of trauma we lead a trial on the necessity of a dangling protocol after complex lower leg reconstructions. We also conduct research on outcomes and complications after post-bariatric surgery.

Breast surgery

Principal investigator
W. Maarse, MD PhD
Coordinating researcher
Sophie Nelissen, MD
Principal investigator
W. Maarse, MD PhD
Coordinating researcher
Sophie Nelissen, MD
Principal investigator
W. Maarse, MD PhD
Prof. dr. H.M. Verkooijen
Coordinating researcher
Marilot Batenburg, MD PhD

Pedicled or free flap surgery

Principal investigator
D.D. Krijgh, MD
PhD student
Brett Hahn
Principal investigator
Prof. J.H. Coert, MD PhD
W. Maarse, MD PhD
Coordinating researcher
D.D. Krijgh, MD

Bariatric surgery

Principal investigator
Prof. A.B. Mink van der Molen
Coordinating researcher
Dennis Makarawung, MD